Brazilians stand out in the Sergeant Major Course in the United StatesBrazilians stand out in the Sergeant Major Course in the United States

El Paso (Texas) – On June 16, 2023, the Sergeants Major Academy (SGM-A) of the United States Army held the graduation ceremony of another class of Sergeants Major. Class 73 was composed of approximately 500 military personnel, 58 of which were from NATO and allied countries, including Brazil.

This year, the Brazilian Army was represented by First Sergeant João Paulo Zanon and First Sergeant Jeancarlo Catelan Cardoso. Both successfully completed the U.S. Sergeant Major Course, with Sergeant Jeancarlo being considered the top international student with first place.

The U.S. Sergeant Major Course is a 12-month, English-language course divided into five departments: Military Command and Leadership; Combined, Joint, Interagency, Intergovernmental and Multinational Operations; Army-Division-Brigade level Military Operations; Strategic Military Logistics; and Human Resources Professional Development.

With civilian and military instructors from the U.S. Army and Friendly Nations, including Brazil, SGM-A has an infrastructure for teaching the American graduate. In conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania, it provides graduates with a Bachelor of Science degree in Military Leadership and Human Resource Development.


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