Brazilian Defense Minister stresses importance of defense for job and income generation in the countryBrazilian Defense Minister stresses importance of defense for job and income generation in the country

Rayane Bueno

Brasilia (DF) – This Wednesday (26), the Minister of Defense, José Mucio Monteiro Filho, participated in the opening of the 17th Meeting of the National Defense Council (Condefesa Nacional). At the virtual event, the Minister spoke about: “Ministry of Defense (MD) and the Defense Industrial Base (BID): strategies and initiatives”. Among other aspects, the meeting aims to expand debates related to the industrial sector.

During the meeting, Minister José Mucio highlighted that the sector, in addition to promoting technology and innovation, also heats up the economy and promotes benefits for society, through the generation of jobs and income. “The Defense Industrial Base currently represents about 4.78% of the country’s GDP, representing approximately 2.9 million direct and indirect jobs, which corresponds to 2.2% of formal jobs in the country,” he said.

The Minister also stressed that the defense theme has high relevance in Brazil and in the world and that it is necessary to invest in initiatives, programs and projects to promote the sector. “Brazil needs to design its defense industry in order to face the challenges and seize the opportunities of a competitive global market, technologically diverse and highly qualified in human resources,” he said.

Condefesa Nacional – Responsible for conducting policies and programs to promote the defense and security industrial base, the entity works with the National Confederation of Industry (CNI). Every three months, the Council holds ordinary meetings, with the participation of representatives of the Armed Forces, industry and government.

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