The BEC is a major step forward for Brazil and our Defense Industrial Base in the aeronautics sector

Air Force Agency – IAE, by Capt Ossimar and CV Assato

On January 23, the Aeronautics and Space Institute (IAE), a military organization under the Department of Aerospace Science and Technology (DCTA), in partnership with the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP) and Aero Concepts, delivered to Brazil the first Compressor and Overspeed Test Bench (BEC-BESV) in the southern hemisphere, marking an important milestone for research and development in the field of gas turbines in the country.

With a unique infrastructure in Latin America, this laboratory will make it possible to carry out tests on compressors, with the main objective being to survey the operating maps, as well as making it possible to carry out structural integrity tests on rotors with speeds above the nominal rotation.

Financially supported by the Financier of Studies and Projects (FINEP), its Executive Project was completed in 2019 and, this Thursday, the laboratory was inaugurated by the company Aero Concepts, with the process being developed with national engineering.

The ceremony was attended by the Director General of DCTA, Air Brigadier Maurício Augusto Silveira de Medeiros; the Deputy Director of DCTA, Air Brigadier David Almeida Alcoforado; the Director of IAE, Air Brigadier Federico Casarino; the Head of DCTA’s Administration Sub-Department, Air Brigadier Alexandre Daniel Pinheiro da Silva; the Chief of the Seventh Subchief of Staff of the Air Force, Air Brigadier José Jorge Marques de Campo Júnior; the Director of Scientific and Technological Development at FINEP, Carlos Alberto Aragão de Carvalho Filho; the Executive Director of Aero Concepts, Alexandre Roma; the Managing Partner of the company Junqueira Dias, José Geraldo Dias Junqueira; and Luiz Paulo Junqueira, as well as representatives of companies from the public and private sectors.

The delivery of this laboratory will provide more autonomy and agility in compressor testing and design, and is an important piece of equipment for obtaining more efficient compressors and for the national gas turbine certification process. It will be very useful for validating and optimizing the compressor developed for the TR5000 turbojet and can also be used by companies in the Defense Industrial Base (BID) to develop new products.

During his visit to the BEC facilities, Lieutenant-Brigadier Medeiros stressed that partnerships between the private and public sectors are fundamental to the development of technologies that reinforce our national sovereignty. “By investing in the creation of innovative solutions with our own resources, especially in the aerospace area, we are not only strengthening our defense capacity and technological autonomy, but also generating jobs and boosting the economy. Innovation is the key to Brazil’s future, and it is with it that we will reach new heights of development and prosperity,” he said.

IAE Director, Air Brigadier Federico Casarino, also highlighted the importance of the bank with applications in the aerospace, defense and energy sectors. “The BEC is a great gain for Brazil and for our Defense Industrial Base in the aeronautics sector, since it is the only one in Latin America, providing the country with the possibility of developing more efficient equipment, being an important step towards achieving sovereignty in turbine production. With the success of the TR5000, Brazil can now dream of other aero engines,” he explained.

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