Santa Maria (RS) Regional Park turns 80

Logistics Readiness

Santa Maria (RS) – On July 1, 2024, the Regional Maintenance Park of the 3rd Military Region (Pq R Mnt/3), based in Santa Maria, celebrated its 80th anniversary. The Unit originated in the early 1940s to meet the growing need for maintenance support for the motor-mechanized equipment acquired by the Army in preparation for the Second World War. Since then, it has shown its natural vocation for maintaining armored vehicles.

Throughout its history, “Parque 3” has carried out missions related to teaching, conducting specialization courses for sergeants and civilians, area (Southern Military Command) and sector (COLOG/C Mat) internships, as well as applying internships for users of the equipment maintained by this unit. It is also worth noting that since 1973, the park has been home to the first Reserve Officers’ Training Center (NPOR) of the Brazilian Army’s Ordnance Corps.

In addition to its maintenance tasks, “Park 3” has become a Military Organization for the Induction and Catalysis of Knowledge (OMICC) and a supplier of components and assemblies for armoured vehicles of German origin.

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