Safran and Imbel: renewed partnership at Mostra BID BrasilSafran and Imbel: renewed partnership at Mostra BID Brasil

There are still developments from the 8th Mostra BID Brasil, held last week in Brasília (DF). Safran and Imbel signed a Memorandum of Understanding during the event to reaffirm the existing partnership between the companies.

Safran Eletrônica & Defesa Brasil renewed its partnership agreement with Imbel to continue the systems integration project.

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed by the CEO of Safran Eletrônica & Defesa Brasil, David Montmasson, and the CEO of Imbel, General of Division R1 Ricardo Rodrigues Canhaci, during the 8th BID Brazil Exhibition.

The partnership consists of integrating Safran’s technologies with IMBEL’s systems.

The two companies have a long-standing partnership with the aim of working together to develop various defense systems for the national and international markets.

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