The 1st Combat Car Regiment carried out actual shooting with the Leopard 1 A5 BR armored combat vehicles in the Lieutenant De Lacerda Shooting Range, located in the Barão de São Borja (Saicã) Training Camp. The activity took place from May 16 to 19.
Two combat vehicle platoons plus the garrisons of the subcommander and the squadron commander that make up the Readiness Force (FORPRON) concluded their training phase, after receiving operational certifications from the 1st Combat Vehicle Regiment.
In addition to the 105mm cannon firing, the following exercises were conducted: the basic instruction firing of .50 and MG3 machine guns (Leopard 1 A5 BR organic); and the advanced instruction firing of a 7.62mm rifle and a 9mm pistol.
Crédito: Cb Eduardo Müller e Sd Moura – ***English version by Defconpress team