Pro-Research Seminar will address issues related to Defense, Technology and Human PerformancePro-Research Seminar will address issues related to Defense, Technology and Human Performance

The Department of Education and Culture of the Army (DECEx) will hold the Pro-Research Seminar on August 14 and 15 in São Paulo (SP). The aim is to encourage research and the exchange of knowledge between the Armed Forces’ educational establishments and academic institutions.

Aimed at students, teachers and researchers from the Armed Forces, the São Paulo State Military Police (PMESP) and invited universities, the event will be divided into three thematic axes: Defense, Technology and Human Performance.

The opening keynote will be given by journalist William Waack and the program will feature important speakers such as Professor Dora Kaufman, from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP), lawyer Patricia Peck Pinheiro, CEO and founding partner of the law firm Peck Advogados, and Marcel Saraiva, regional manager of NVIDIA, a company specializing in artificial intelligence computing.

Participants will also be able to enjoy exhibitions of equipment and materials from the Armed Forces and the event’s partners.

The lectures will take place at the São Paulo Military Circle (CMSP) and the Southeast Military Command (CMSE), both in the Paraíso neighborhood. Registration is free and can be done at:

Thematic axes

The Defense axis will address issues such as disruptive technologies on the battlefield, security strategies for the Blue and Green Amazons, and the role of cyber warfare in contemporary conflicts, analyzing how these dynamics influence national defense and security strategies.

The Technology axis will explore advances in areas such as quantum technologies, artificial intelligence and robotics, highlighting how these innovations are shaping the future of technological research and application.

And the Human Performance axis will focus on aspects such as health and operability, assessing the performance of military women in various contexts, and the challenges of military physical testing, with the aim of understanding and improving human potential in military and defense operations.


Pro-Research Seminar 2024
Date: August 14th and 15th
Time: 8am to 5pm


  • Defense Axis: Southeast Military Command (CMSE)
    Address: Av. Sargento Mario Kozel Filho, 222 – Paraíso – São Paulo (SP)
  • Technology and Human Performance Hubs: São Paulo Military Circle
    Address: Rua Abílio Soares, 1589 – Paraíso – São Paulo (SP)

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