On June 16th, the Swiss United Nations Military Observer’s Course (SUNMOC) will begin, with the Brazilian Air Force Major Bruno Becker, from the Brazilian Joint Center for Peace Operations (CCOPAB) as the guest instructor. He is already in Switzerland, preparing for the beginning of the Course.
The activity will take place at the Swiss Armed Forces International Command (SWISSINT), and will last for 23 days, with not only the Brazilian military as instructor, but also military personnel from Germany, Canada, Finland, Holland, Hungary, Sweden, and Switzerland.
Major Becker will conduct instructions based on the Core Pre-deployment Training Materials (CPTM) and Specialized Training Materials (STM), the pillars that guide the training developed by the United Nations (UN) for troops employed in peacekeeping operations. The course has as students Swiss military personnel, representatives from Kazakhstan, Egypt, Gambia, Georgia, Guinea, Holland, Iran, Morocco and Pakistan.
The Brazilian military’s participation in this activity is aligned with the CCOPAB’s vision of becoming an international reference in promoting excellence in human resources training for peace operations and humanitarian demining.