The Minister of Defense, Paulo Sérgio Nogueira de Oliveira, signed, on Tuesday (06), an order that expands, nationwide, the right to use the Special Bidding Term (TLE), for the acquisition of Defense Products (PRODE) and Strategic Defense Products (PED). In practice, the instrument allows other agencies, such as the Secretaries of Security, to use this bidding method to acquire products from the Defense Industrial Base (BID). Previously, only the Ministry of Defense (MD) and the Armed Forces had access to the special condition.
The TLE was created by Decree No. 7,970/2013. The new guidelines establish that the organs and entities of direct or indirect public administration, in the Three Branches, at the federal, state, district and municipal levels may also use the tender term.
They also establish that the agencies and entities will be allowed, at their discretion, to use the Ministry of the Economy’s (ME) Purchasing Center for purchasing and contracting products from the sector in a standardized manner, ensuring greater legal security, economy of scale, administrative rationality, improvement and innovation of management in contracting when it involves the use of the TLE.
The officialization of the normative occurred during the 7th BID Brazil Show, in the Federal Capital. The event, which takes place between December 6th and 8th, at the Ulysses Guimarães Convention Center, is one of the most relevant in the Defense and Security segment.