Learn about the operational actions carried out by the Brazilian Navy in the North and Northeast of BrazilLearn about the operational actions carried out by the Brazilian Navy in the North and Northeast of Brazil

2024 report shows military operations in Amapá, Maranhão, Pará and Piauí

By First Lieutenant (RM2-T) Augusto Rodrigues

The Brazilian Navy presented a detailed assessment of the actions carried out in 2024 in the area of jurisdiction of the 4th Naval District Command (Com4°DN) – Amapá, Maranhão, Pará and Piauí – which corresponds to 23% of the national territory.

This is the Naval Force Area Command with significant portions of sea and rivers, including 1,125.4 km of international borders – with Guyana, French Guiana and Suriname.In 2024, Com4ºDN undertook various actions with the use of Naval, Air and Marine Forces. Among the work carried out, the four stages of Operation “Ágata Norte” stand out, in the Marajó Archipelago, in the Lower Tocantins and in the Pará municipalities of Moju, Igarapé-Miri, Limoeiro do Ajuru and Abaetetuba.

These actions resulted in the seizure of 39 kilos of cocaine hidden in the hull of a ship docked at the Port of Vila do Conde, in Barcarena (PA), as well as 54 m³ of processed wood, in the Estreitos region, in Marajó. Each stage of the operation was supported by the Federal Revenue Service, the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama), the Federal Police and the Pará State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability.

Maritime intelligence

During coordinated actions in conjunction with public security agencies, the ships under Com4ºDN were used to seize vessels carrying smuggled goods, especially in the Marajó Archipelago and off the coast of Amapá.

Two operations, carried out in April and July 2024, in partnership with the Federal Police, resulted in the seizure of 3,400 cartons of cigarettes, smuggled from Suriname. Together, the cargo was valued at R$8.5 million.

In May, an operation carried out jointly with Ibama resulted in the seizure of three rafts loaded with timber and two push boats, in the village of Maiauatá, municipality of Igarapé-Miri, northeast Pará. The seized cargo was valued at R$ 773,929.08 and the fines imposed totaled R$ 416,391.93.

“Caribex 2024”

The Patrol Ship (NPa) “Bracuí” took part in Operation “Caribex-2024”, carried out between May and June 2024, in French Guiana and Suriname. During the operation, the Brazilian military took part in operational exercises with other navies, as well as diplomatic meetings.

Safety of navigation

With regard to navigation safety, the Port Captaincies subordinate to Com4ºDN intensified naval inspections, especially during the school vacation periods, when Operation “Navegue Seguro” was carried out in the coastal regions and on the rivers of Amapá, Maranhão, Pará and Piauí.

The Northern Hydrography and Navigation Center published updates of printed and electronic nautical charts, with the highlight being the hydrographic survey of the Amazon, Tapajós and Arapiuns Rivers, Lago Grande do Curuai and the access waterway (paraná) to the city of Alenquer (PA).

Search and rescue

Salvamar Norte, the Navy’s Search and Rescue Service in the area under the jurisdiction of the Com4ºDN, has the mission of safeguarding human life at sea and on rivers, using Navy ships, aircraft and divers, as well as private vessels activated by a mutual aid structure. In 2024, 59 people were rescued alive from situations such as falling into the water, sick crew members, drifting boats, collisions and shipwrecks.

Civic and social actions

On board the Auxiliary Ship (NA) “Pará”, four editions of the Civic-Social Action “Chance for All” were held in 2024. Doctors, dentists, nurses and other health and social care professionals from the Navy and partner institutions visited 16 municipalities in Amapá and Pará (in the Marajó and Baixo Amazonas regions).

More than 5,000 people were received by the NA “Pará” screening teams. 4,786 general, pediatric and gynecological consultations were carried out, as well as 19,373 nursing procedures, 5,050 laboratory procedures, 1,223 dental consultations and 1,469 mammography exams.

During the passage of the NA “Pará” through the riverside communities, lectures were given on oral health, healthy eating, preventing domestic violence, as well as preventing and combating scalping accidents.

In addition to these actions, aircraft from the 1st Northern General Purpose Helicopter Squadron were deployed in Operation “Catrimani”, with the aim of transporting personnel and cargo to attend to the public health emergency in the Yanomami Indigenous Land in Roraima.


Between July 31 and August 8, 2024, 312 soldiers took part in the Riverine Operations Training, held in Afuá (PA), on the island of Marajó. The training simulated the infiltration of a paramilitary organization at the mouth of the Amazon River. The soldiers had the task of conquering and maintaining objectives on land, as well as controlling river traffic in the region.

On November 12, 2024, the Navy officially began activities at the Fazendinha Instruction Area, a Naval Force site under the responsibility of the Amapá Port Captaincy, located on the banks of the Amazon River, in the South Zone of Macapá (AP). The land, which covers an area of 46.8 hectares, is equipped with helicopter landing facilities, allowing UH-15 “Super Cougar” aircraft to carry out maneuvers.

Círio de Nazaré

In October 2024, the Navy coordinated the Círio¹ de Nazaré River Pilgrimage in Belém, using 420 military personnel and 20 naval assets from the Com4ºDN. More than 250 vessels took part in the pilgrimage, in which the pilgrim image of the patron saint of the people of Pará was carried by the hydro-oceanographic ship “Garnier Sampaio”.

¹The term “Círio” originates from the Latin “cereus”, which means “large wax candle.” Traditionally, the círio was used in religious celebrations as a symbol of faith and divine light. In the context of the Círio de Nazaré, it refers to the symbolic use of the candle in the procession, representing spiritual enlightenment and devotion to Our Lady of Nazareth. Over time, the term came to designate not only the candle itself but also the entire religious event, which is one of the largest manifestations of Catholic faith in Brazil.

Source: Agência Marinha de Notícias

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