IPESPE survey reinforces public confidence in the Armed ForcesIPESPE survey reinforces public confidence in the Armed Forces

Brasília (DF) – The Institute for Social, Political and Economic Research (IPESPE) has released a survey showing that the Armed Forces are the most trusted state institutions. The survey entitled “The democracy we have and the democracy we want” reiterated the Army’s perception of credibility in society, an aspect that has been demonstrated in public opinion studies over time.

IPESPE interviewed 3,000 people aged 16 or over, from all five regions of the country, between November 30 and December 5. The Armed Forces appear in first place in the question about trust in groups, institutions or people, with 58% approval. The responses put the Armed Forces ahead of churches, the press, social networks and political parties, among others.

The public’s trust is a reflection of the work carried out by the Army and its sister forces, the Navy and Air Force, on behalf of the country. Recent surveys reinforce this perception, as other surveys carried out by various institutes have shown the Armed Forces to be leaders in the trust of Brazilians.

In order from top to bottom: Armed Forces – Churches – Press/media – Social Networks- Political Parties

The surveys prove that the Brazilian population considers the Armed Forces, and the Brazilian Army by extension, to be among the most trusted institutions in Brazil. This result is the fruit of the permanent availability and exclusive dedication of its military personnel.

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