FAB celebrates 115 years since the birth of Nero MouraFAB celebrates 115 years since the birth of Nero Moura

The leader who forged Brazilian fighter aviation

Air Force Agency, by Lieutenant Mônica Lopes

This Tuesday (January 30), the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) celebrates the 115th anniversary of the birth of Air Brigadier Nero Moura, Patron of Brazilian Fighter Aviation. Born in 1910, in the city of Cachoeira do Sul (RS), he began his academic career in his hometown and went on to the Military College in Porto Alegre.

In 1927, he entered the Realengo Military School in Rio de Janeiro as a Cadet and, the following year, opted for the Aviation Weapon, transferring to the Military Aviation School in Campo dos Afonsos, where he completed his training as an Army Aviator Officer. He was declared an Aspirant in November 1930 and promoted to Second Lieutenant in January 1931, beginning his first missions with the Military Air Courier.

During the Second World War, he commanded the 1st Fighter Aviation Group (1st GAvCa) in the Brazilian Air Force’s campaign in Italy between 1944 and 1945. In September 1945, as a lieutenant colonel, he took command of the First Aviation Regiment in Santa Cruz (RJ), a unit of great operational importance at the time.

On January 31, 1951, he was sworn in as Minister of Aeronautics, and was promoted to Air Brigadier in August of the same year. He died on December 17, 1994, in Rio de Janeiro, and on January 17, 1995, he officially received the title of Patron of Brazilian Fighter Aviation.

His legacy continues to inspire generations of airmen and Air Force fighters. An Adelphi to our eternal Commander! Senta a Púa!

Photos: Archive

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