FAB analyzes flight recorders of aircraft involved in crash in KazakhstanFAB analyzes flight recorders of aircraft involved in crash in Kazakhstan

The Brazilian Air Force (FAB) informs that, last Saturday (04/01), the work of extracting, acquiring and validating the data contained in the two flight recorders (Cockpit Voice and Flight Data Recorder – CVFDR) of the Embraer 190 aircraft, registration 4K-AZ65, was completed at the Flight Recorder Data Reading and Analysis Laboratory (LABDATA) of the Aeronautical Accident Investigation and Prevention Center (CENIPA), in Brasília (DF).

After the activities, all the data was handed over to the Kazakhstan Investigation Authority, the agency responsible for analyzing and investigating the accident in question, in accordance with international protocols for investigating aircraft accidents.

The aircraft was involved in an accident on December 25, 2024, near the city of Aktau in Kazakhstan.

This work was carried out in conjunction with the Aviation Accident and Incident Investigation – Department of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. This cooperation reflects the commitment of the Brazilian government, through the Ministry of Defense and the Brazilian Air Force, to promoting aviation safety.

Analysis and conclusions

The analysis of the data extracted from the flight recorders and the information to be disclosed in the Final Report of this investigation are the sole responsibility of the Investigating Authority of Kazakhstan, in accordance with Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

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