The ceremonies were marked by speeches of gratitude and recognition to the replaced commanders, as well as welcoming and wishing success to the new leaders
Air Force Agency
In January 2025, the air bases of Natal (BANT), Manaus (BAMN), Salvador (BASV), Porto Velho (BAPV) and Galeão (BAGL) held handover ceremonies, marked by speeches of gratitude and recognition to the commanders who were replaced, as well as welcoming and wishing success to the new leaders. The events were attended by military authorities, family members and guests.
Change of Command at Natal Air Base

BANT carried out the change of command in three important military units: the Tactical and Specialized Instruction Group (GITE), the Second Air Transport Squadron (2º ETA) and the First Squadron of the Eighth Aviation Group (1º/8º GAV).
At GITE, Lieutenant Colonel Fernando Wilson Silva do Couto transferred command to Major Felipe Flaminio João. In the 2nd ETA, Lieutenant Colonel Rodrigo de Sousa da Costa handed over to Major Gabriel Teixeira de Freitas Brito. Finally, in the 1st/8th GAV, Lieutenant Colonel Marcelo de Almeida Candido da Silva was succeeded by Major Átila Miranda Alves de Campos.
During the ceremony, the replaced commanders expressed their gratitude for their time at the helm of the units, highlighting the achievements and challenges they had faced. “I’m sure I behaved, had fun and, above all, learned a lot in these two years, following the same advice I give my son every day: behave, have fun and learn,” said Lieutenant Colonel Wilson.
Lieutenant Colonel Sousa thanked the staff of the 2nd ETA. Lieutenant Colonel Candido expressed his gratitude to his family. “To my wife and children, my eternal gratitude. Without their support and understanding, my achievements at the head of the squadron would not have been possible,” he said.
The Commander of the Natal Air Base, Air Brigadier Ricardo Guerra Rezende, praised the legacy of the replaced commanders and highlighted the importance of the work carried out by the units. “They contributed significantly to the use of air power for national sovereignty and the defense of the homeland,” he said.
In addition to the military ceremony, an ecumenical service of thanksgiving was held. Religious representatives emphasized the importance of spirituality and unity in carrying out military missions, promoting reflection and strengthening ties between participants.
Passing of Command at Manaus Air Base

Also on Friday (10), in Manaus (AM), Air Force Colonel Lázaro de Andrade Stallone handed over command of the Manaus Air Base to Air Force Colonel Wankley Lima de Oliveira. The ceremony was presided over by the Military Commander of the Amazon, Army General Ricardo Augusto Ferreira Costa Neves, and was attended by the Commander of the Seventh Regional Air Command (COMAR VII), Air Brigadier Major Ramiro Kirsch Pinheiro, as well as authorities from the Armed Forces and representatives of Amazonian society.
In his speech, Colonel Stallone highlighted the achievements of the two years and one month at the head of BAMN, such as operations Yanomami, Catrimani and Taquari, as well as improvements in infrastructure and logistics.
The officer also thanked his team, the authorities and his family, reinforcing his commitment to the Brazilian Air Force (FAB) and the Amazon. “Remember one thing: what counts are not the glories that appear, but the glories that remain, the ones we feel. The feeling of having a little bit of yourself in every landing, in every take-off. The feeling of returning home without leaving any work undone,” he said.
BAMN’s History and Mission
Founded on March 31, 1970, Manaus Air Base will be 55 years old in 2025. It is home to important units such as the 1st/9th GAv (Macaw Squadron), 7th/8th GAv (Harpy Squadron), 7th ETA (Cobra Squadron) and the 2nd Anti-Aircraft Defense Group (2nd GDAAE).
Together, these units face the challenges of defending, controlling and integrating more than 4 million square kilometers of Amazon jungle, an area with difficult logistical access and adverse climatic conditions. In addition, BAMN promotes partnerships with the Armed Forces and civil society, strengthening interaction and cooperation in the region.
The change of command at BASV

On Friday morning, at Salvador Air Base, the ceremony was presided over by the Commander of the Second Regional Air Command (II COMAR), Air Brigadier Marcello Lobão Schiavo, marking the handover of command from Air Colonel Vinícius Guimarães Nogueira to Air Colonel Saulo Vinicius Sobreira.
During his farewell speech, Colonel Guimarães highlighted the transformations the base underwent under his management, including the consolidation of the Bahia Aerospace Technological Industrial Park (PITA-BA). “BASV has not only found a purpose, but has become a milestone for the future of the Brazilian Air Force and the aerospace sector in Brazil. I have always believed in the potential of this Unit and in the ability of our personnel to overcome challenges. What we have achieved is the result of collective effort and commitment. I take with me the pride of having contributed to this achievement and the affection for the people of Bahia who welcomed my family and me so well,” he said.
The new BASV Commander, Colonel Sobreira, took up his post with enthusiasm and stressed his commitment to continuing the work done by his predecessor. “I recognize the value of the legacy left by Colonel Guimarães and feel honored to lead such a dedicated team. My goal is to ensure that Salvador Air Base continues to be a reference in the context of the Brazilian Air Force,” he said.
The ceremony was attended by military and civil authorities, as well as representatives of Bahian society, symbolizing the strategic importance of BASV. Among the authorities present were the Archbishop of Bahia and Primate of Brazil, Dom Sérgio da Rocha, the Acting Mayor of the city of Salvador, Ana Paula Andrade Matos Moreira and the Legal Advisor of the Union in the State of Bahia, Manoel de Oliveira Muricy.
The BAPV also has a new Commander

The military ceremony to hand over command of the Porto Velho Air Base (BAPV) took place last Tuesday night (January 14) in Porto Velho (RO). The Commander of VII COMAR, Major General Ramiro Kirsch Pinheiro, took part in the event that marked the farewell of Air Colonel Marcos de Oliveira Macedo as commander of BAPV.
Major General Ramiro highlighted the importance of the military organization and the work of the commander he replaced. “Dear Colonel Macedo, who led the staff of such a strategically important Unit for national defence, knowing how to lead this Military Organization with outstanding success, being a dedicated professional, loyally advising his superiors. To the replacement commander: Dear Lieutenant Colonel Salim, your appointment to command the Porto Velho Air Base is a consequence of your leadership and management skills, seen throughout your career in the Air Force,” stressed the General Officer.
After the handover, the new Commander Lieutenant Colonel Leonardo Bezerra Salim said. “I would like to express my sincere thanks to the High Command of the Air Force for the trust placed in me, allowing me to exercise leadership with the noble combatants responsible for the defense of the Western Amazon. Let us move forward, at the right pace, towards the continuous improvement of our institution. Let us be resilient in the pursuit of excellence in our administrative and operational training, in the optimization of processes and in the inexorable search for awareness of flight and work safety,” he said.
The Porto Velho Air Base will celebrate its 41st anniversary in 2025 and is strategically positioned to defend and integrate the western Amazon, with permanent surveillance to prevent the entry of suspicious aircraft, as well as carrying out various transportation missions in support of the most remote regions of Brazil.
The ceremony was also attended by the Commander of the 17th Jungle Infantry Brigade, General Diógenes de Souza Gomes, and the Mayor of Porto Velho, Leonardo Barreto de Moraes, as well as other invited civil and military authorities.
Galeão Air Base

Finally, on Wednesday (15), the ceremony to hand over the post of Commander of Galeão Air Base (BAGL), in Rio de Janeiro (RJ), took place in the historic and traditional military courtyard of Ponta do Galeão. The emotional ceremony was presided over by the Director General of the Airspace Control Detachment (DECEA), Air Brigadier Alcides Teixeira Barbacovi, and was attended by the Secretary of Economy, Finance and Administration of the Air Force (SEFA), Air Brigadier Ary Soares Mesquita. After two years of intense activity at BAGL, Colonel Fábio Ferreira Silva handed over the post and the noble mission of BAGL Commander to Colonel Marcell Barros de Paula.
Colonel Barros took over as Commander of Galeão Air Base with the clear objective of strengthening the military organization’s operational and strategic role over the next two years. His vision is geared towards the continuous pursuit of excellence, combining innovation, discipline and commitment to guarantee maximum operational efficiency and the safety of the missions carried out.
Through its Air Squadrons, BAGL plays a key role in Combat Sustainment (CS) and Support for State Actions (ApAE) missions, with a history marked by significant challenges and relevant contributions to humanitarian and defense missions in emergency situations in the country. BAGL also plays a strategic role in government projects, such as supporting the Brazilian Antarctic Program (PROANTAR), carried out by the Gordo Squadron. Recently, the base was directly involved in coordinating and executing the activities of receiving and dispatching aircraft and international delegations of Heads of State during the G20 Summit in Rio de Janeiro.
Recognized as Brazil’s most operational military air transport base, BAGL plays a crucial role in missions of great importance to the country. Operations such as “Taquari”, “Raízes do Cedro” and “Voltando em Paz” exemplify its ability to respond promptly to national and international demands.