Operations “Fraterno XXXVII”, “Unitas LXV” and “Solidarex IV” enable operational exercises that improve interoperability between navies of the Americas and guests
By Lieutenant Captain (RM2-T) Luciana Almeida
On Monday (5), the Brazilian Navy (MB) began deploying the frigate “Liberal”, with AH-11B “Super Lynx” aircraft on board, to take part in Operations “Fraterno XXXVII”, “Unitas LXV” and “Solidarex IV”.
The Force will carry out combined naval operations with the navies of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, the United States of America (USA), Mexico, the United Kingdom and Peru, contributing to increasing the level of training of the Brazilian Fleet’s resources, as well as promoting cooperation and closer ties of friendship between the navies.
Operations “Fraterno XXXVII”
The first of these operations will begin on August 12, when the “Liberal” Frigate and the “Tikuna” Submarine will carry out exercises with the Argentine Navy, in that country’s Jurisdictional Waters. During the period of this operation, which will end on August 21, Brazilian and Argentine military personnel will take part in firing exercises, tactical maneuvers, exercises with submarines, transit under air threat, among others.
The Argentine Navy will use the Meko 140 “Robinson”, “Espora” and “Rosales” class corvettes, the Meko 360 “La Argentina” and “Sarandi” class destroyers, the “Almirante Storni” patrol ship and the Fennec, Mentor, Cormorán and Tracker aircraft in the exercises.
Held for over 45 years, the 37th edition of Operation “Fraterno” aims to contribute to increasing the interoperability of the Brazilian and Argentine Fleet, as well as strengthening the good relationship between these navies, while also strengthening initiatives in the regional context, such as the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone (ZOPACAS).
Operations “Unitas” and “Solidarex”
Following “Fraterno XXXVII”, Operations “Unitas LXV” will take place between September 2 and 11, and “Solidarex IV”, from September 18 to 26. This edition of “Unitas” will be an amphibious operation, which will include the formation of a multinational naval force between the navies of Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Ecuador, the USA, the United Kingdom and Peru, to operate in mutual support.
Finally, “Solidarex” will be held, which is a humanitarian assistance exercise in response to a disaster, simulating a major earthquake in Peru, with the participation of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, the USA and the host country.
The Brazilian Task Group for Operation “Fraterno” is led by Rear Admiral Nelson de Oliveira Leite, Commander of the Fleet’s 1st Division, who explains the importance of carrying out this commission, with three combined operations in sequence.
“Throughout the period, we will be carrying out classic naval warfare operations, which cover all the fields in which Brazilian Naval Power operates: Naval Defense, Maritime Security, Naval Diplomacy and Support for State Actions,” explained the Admiral.
Brazilian Navy naval units at “Fraterno XXXVII”
Naval units of the Argentine Navy in “Fraterno XXXVII”
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