Brasília (DF) – MONUSCO, the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, was established on July 1, 2010, by UN Security Council Resolution 1925. Since then, the mission has collaborated with the Congolese authorities in confronting armed rebel groups and ensuring the protection of the civilian population, contributing to the consolidation of peace in that friendly nation.
Brazil has maintained a significant presence in MONUSCO since its creation, having commanded the mission on five different occasions. In 2015, Brazil’s contribution was expanded by participating in the composition of the mission’s General Staff. Brazilian military personnel perform essential functions within the mission, as well as training and preparing military personnel from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Brazil in UN Peace Operations
The Brazilian presence in MONUSCO is a clear example of Brazil’s commitment to UN peace operations. Over the years, the Brazilian military has demonstrated leadership, strategic ability and the capacity to adapt to a complex scenario. The country has excelled in forging international partnerships and strengthening local capacities, with a constant focus on protection and promoting a safer environment for local civilian populations. As such, Brazil continues to be an essential actor in the context of UN peacekeeping missions and its presence in MONUSCO is an important expression of this engagement in one of the most challenging scenarios on the African continent.
In this context, on January 28 of this year, at the 2nd meeting of the UN Security Council on the current crisis in the DRC, Lieutenant General Ulisses Mesquita Gomes, of the Brazilian Army, was confirmed as the new Force Commander of MONUSCO. He will be the 6th Brazilian Commander of this Mission, reaffirming the recognition of our Army and our military on the international stage, as well as our country as an important player in the search for world peace.
General Ulisses was appointed commander of MONUSCO, bringing his vast experience in military and diplomatic operations to the mission. During his career, he held the position of Brazilian military attaché in the United States and led the 7th Infantry Brigade in Brazil, as well as being defense advisor to the Brazilian government’s Minister of Strategic Affairs and head of Planning and Operations for the 11th Infantry Brigade. Between 2008 and 2009 he was instrumental in the implementation of the UN Mission in Haiti, MINUSTAH. He was also head of the Doctrine and Current Military Operations Service and of the Policy and Doctrine Team in the Office of Military Affairs of the UN Department of Peace Operations between 2017 and 2019.
General Ulisses Mesquita Gomes assumed leadership in a challenging context, with the mission of dealing with the M-23 group, and his appointment represents the continuity of Brazil’s commitment to global peace and the stabilization of regions in conflict.
Brazilian leaders at MONUSCO
General Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz: The Beginning of Brazilian Leadership

General Carlos Alberto dos Santos Cruz was the first Brazilian officer to take command of MONUSCO in 2013. His field experience, acquired in the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH), was crucial to the success of his tenure. Under his leadership, the mission adopted a more aggressive stance in the fight against militias and armed groups in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), promoting greater security for the civilian population.
Santos Cruz brought a strategic vision to the mission, combining military force and diplomacy, essential elements for stabilizing a country marked by decades of conflict.
General Elias Rodrigues Martins Filho: Continuing and Strengthening Operations

In 2018, General Elias Rodrigues Martins Filho took command of MONUSCO with the mission of intensifying security operations. With extensive experience in international missions, Gen. Elias focused on improving security conditions and integrating local forces with UN operations. His tenure was marked by a constant quest to guarantee the country’s stability, strengthening coordination with the Congolese Army and other international forces.
General Elias arranged for a team of instructors from the Jungle Warfare Training Center (CIGS) to be deployed to MONUSCO to train troops in the mission environment. To this day, the CIGS team – Jungle Warfare Mobile Training Team – carries out this training with great success.
General Ricardo Augusto Ferreira Costa Neves: Facing the Challenges of Eastern DRC

Appointed MONUSCO commander in 2020, General Costa Neves faced the challenge of intensifying stabilization actions in a scenario of ongoing conflicts and leading in a multicultural environment, made up of military and civilian personnel from more than 50 countries. His management focused on improving the mission’s strategic planning, integrating the military and civilian aspects and strengthening protection for the civilian population.
With a solid military career, General Costa Neves accumulated valuable experience in the Brazilian Army before his appointment to the UN.
General Marcos de Sá Affonso da Costa: Local Capacity Building and International Partnerships

When General Marcos de Sá Affonso da Costa took over MONUSCO in 2021, he faced a period of even more complex challenges, with the intensification of conflicts and the weakening of local forces. During his tenure, he focused heavily on building the capacity of Congolese forces and strengthening international partnerships, collaborating with other nations to promote the stabilization of the DRC.
His work also stood out in improving coordination between the different actors involved in the mission, including NGOs and international organizations. He played a decisive role in the pacification of Tanganika province and the disarmament of thousands of combatants in the east of the country.
General Otávio Rodrigues de Miranda Filho: Diplomacy and Strategic Planning

General Otávio Rodrigues de Miranda Filho took over MONUSCO in 2023, at a time of transition and constant challenges. With a strong background in military diplomacy, Gen. Miranda Filho stood out for his strategic planning and continuous search for peaceful solutions to conflicts.
His management was fundamental in ensuring the continuity of operations, even in the face of the difficulties imposed by the insecurity scenario in the DRC. General Miranda Filho’s experience in the Brazilian Army was crucial to keeping the mission aligned with UN objectives and the needs of the local population.