21 days of operational exercises and civic and social actions
After 21 days of intense activities at sea, Operation “Aspirantex 2025” came to an end on Friday (31), concluding the first major mission of the year for the Brazilian Navy (MB) Squadron. The military carried out operational exercises between Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Natal (RN), perfecting the training of naval and aeronautical assets and their crews, and providing Naval School (EN) Aspirants with practical experience of the onboard routine.
Around 2,000 military personnel, including 209 EN Aspirants and Army and Air Force cadets, took part in the operation, which began on January 10 with the departure of the ships from Rio de Janeiro. On their way to the Northeast, they made strategic stops at the ports of Maceió (AL), Recife (PE), Cabedelo (PB), Natal (RN) and Salvador (BA).
Among the vessels that took part in the mission were:
- Multipurpose Dock Ship (NDM) “Bahia” (Operation Captain);
- Frigates: “Defensora”, “Liberal”, “Independência” and “União”;
- Combat Carrier Landing Ship (NDCC) “Almirante Saboia”;
- Submarines: “Tikuna”;
- Aircraft: UH-12 “Esquilo”, UH-15 “Super Cougar”, SH-16 “Seahawk”, AH-15B “Super Cougar”, AH-11B “Super Lynx” helicopters, AF-1 “Skyhawk” fighters, an RQ-1 “ScanEagle” drone and a FAB aircraft.
After three days in Salvador, the ships returned to sea for the last phase of the operation, which culminated in their docking in Rio de Janeiro on Friday (31).

Training and exercises
Throughout the Operation, the Aspirants took part in a series of exercises and simulations aimed at improving the Squadron’s operational readiness. They were trained in tactical maneuvers, navigation, cargo transfer at sea and the operation of on-board systems, as well as emergency procedures such as firefighting and abandoning ship.
The exercises included air operations conducted by the 2nd General Purpose Helicopter Squadron and the 1st Anti-submarine Helicopter Squadron, which included landings and take-offs of aircraft on board, clarification flights and simulated attacks on ships by AF-1 Skyhawk fighters. MB helicopters also carried out patrol and reconnaissance missions. The VERTREP (Vertical Replenishment) technique was also used, allowing cargo to be transferred between ships with the help of helicopters, increasing the autonomy of vessels without the need to dock.
The NDM “Bahia”, the NDCC “Sabóia” and the frigates took part in Leap Frog (approach maneuvers) and Light Line (position maintenance between ships) exercises. In addition, a detachment of Combat Divers (MEC) carried out tactical approaches, using the fast rope technique, which allows troops to land quickly in areas that are difficult to access, using ropes to descend from helicopters.
The operation also included cyber warfare training, in which the naval assets had to face simulated attempts to disrupt their communication systems.
The squadron’s combat power was also assessed. During the tests, illuminated targets were hit at night by machine-gun fire, while during the day an inflatable target was used for firing exercises.
One of the highlights of the mission was the DIP Exercise, an operation to search for submarines using sonar. In this procedure, the aircraft hovers over the sea and submerges its sonar to detect possible submerged threats. Although this action usually takes place at a certain distance from the ships, during the operation a demonstration was carried out close to the vessel, allowing the Aspirants to follow closely.

Social actions and contact with experienced military personnel
In the ports visited, the Navy promoted civic and social actions in support of local communities. Blood donation campaigns were held in all the cities, with the voluntary participation of around 130 military personnel. In Maceió, the military carried out repairs at the Professora Maria José Carrascosa Municipal School, reinforcing their commitment to the well-being of the population.
The Aspirants also interacted with military personnel from different specialties, receiving guidance on the different careers within the Force. During embarkation on the NDM “Bahia”, the Commander of the Navy, Admiral Marcos Sampaio Olsen, spoke to the future officers, highlighting the importance of each military officer in fulfilling the MB’s mission. “From the Sailor to the Commander of the Navy, everyone is fundamental to fulfilling the duties entrusted to the Force. We are one of the institutions in which society places its expectations of a better future”, he emphasized.