“Aspirantex 2025": Aspirants embark on training operation in the Blue Amazon“Aspirantex 2025": Aspirants embark on training operation in the Blue Amazon

The commission takes place from January 10th to 31st

By First Lieutenant (RM2-T) Larissa Vieira

The Brazilian Navy begins Operation “Aspirantex 2025” today (January 10), bringing together 209 Naval School Aspirants and eight Cadets from the Brazilian Army (EB) and the Brazilian Air Force (FAB), as well as around 2,000 military personnel.

The mission aims to provide operational training and strengthen the presence in the Blue Amazon. The operation will include the participation of ships, submarines and aircraft, which will carry out exercises such as Clarification Operations, Surface Actions, Aerospace Defense, Electronic Warfare and Cyber Warfare. The aim of this training is to give the Aspirants experience of the routine at sea and the practical application of the knowledge acquired at the Naval School.

A detachment of combat divers will also be part of the mission. During the mission, there will be stops at various ports in the Northeast region, with visits to the cities of Recife (PE), Maceió (AL), Salvador (BA) and Natal (RN).

In addition to operational activities, civic and social actions (ACiSo) will be carried out in these locations. In Maceió, for example, the Navy will donate blood to reinforce the stocks of local blood centers and will carry out the renovation of the Professora Maria José Carrascosa Municipal School, contributing directly to the improvement of the educational infrastructure.

The “Aspirantex” will also be attended by important naval authorities. The Commander of the Navy, Admiral Marcos Sampaio Olsen; the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral André Luiz Silva Lima de Santana Mendes; and the Commander of Naval Operations, Admiral Claudio Henrique Mello de Almeida, will be on board the Multipurpose Dockyard Ship (NDM) “Bahia”. Also on board will be the Commander of the 1st Fleet Division and Commander of the mission’s Task Group, Rear Admiral Antonio Braz de Souza.

Choosing a career

One of the most important moments of the Commission will be the choice of Corps and Qualifications by the 2nd year Aspirants, who will decide their future careers as members of the Navy, Marines or Lieutenants. The mission also reflects the growing participation of women in the Navy, with 17 female aspirants and 3 female cadets.

Public visitation

Another attraction will be the public visits to the ships of the Squadron, allowing the population to get to know the vessels and the work of the Navy up close. On January 18 and 19, visits will take place in Maceió and Natal. In Recife, visits will only take place on the 18th. In Salvador, the ships will be open to the public on January 25 and 26.

In the air and at sea

The following naval and air assets are taking part in the operation: Multipurpose Dock Ship “Bahia”, the Frigates “Defensora”, “Liberal”, “Independência” and “União”, the Combat Carrier Landing Ship “Almirante Saboia”, the Corvette “Júlio de Noronha”, the “Tikuna” and “Humaitá” submarines, as well as the UH-12 “Esquilo” aircraft, a UH-15 “Super Cougar”, an SH-16 Seahawk, an AH-15B Super Cougar, two AH-11B Wild Lynx, two AF-1 Skyhawk fighters, an RQ-1 ScanEagle and a FAB aircraft.

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